Mark Andrade

Forty Years as a Certified Programmer?

A certificate of achievement for a basic programming course from Computer Directions issued on February 18, 1983 to a then 12 year old me.

Flash back Friday blog post edition.

I found this certificate, dated February 18, 1983, in a box while I was going through all my memorabilia that I kept over the years.

It's crazy to think that forty years ago I took a computer programming class. I completely forgot about that.

My brother and I sitting in front of an Apple II Plus in my bedroom.

This is my brother and I playing Mystery House in my bedroom around the same time I to took that class. I don't remember ever finishing that game though. I think my brother did?

A year later I started playing guitar and my interest in computers slowly faded. I ended up trading that computer for an Ampeg VT-40 guitar amp that I still own.

I got back into computers around 17 years later when I got a job at an interactive video game production company with a goal to write music for games.

I still have some of those die cast cars to this day but I wish I still owned the New York Yankee mirror!